

MADISON, Wis. – It only takes a couple of visits to your favorite lakeshore hangout to see that lake conditions vary dramatically from day to day. An algal bloom on Monday can give way to crystal clear waters on Tuesday. Even on the same day, water clarity varies from one spot along the shoreline to another. Thanks to a partnership led by the Clean Lakes Alliance, the public now has help determining where to go and when for a day on the lake with access to up-to-date water quality conditions at dozens of sites on lakes Mendota, Monona, Wingra, Waubesa and Kegonsa.

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Mallards and loons and paddlers, oh my! As the weather warms up and the skies clear, there are plenty of opportunities for lake-lovers (like us!) to get outside.

Please read below for a brief digest of our upcoming programs & events, including a recap of the 3rd annual Save Our Lakes Community Breakfast and a link to the 2013 State of the Lakes report.

P.S. Be sure to watch the three new videos premiered at the Breakfast: The State of the Lakes; Schooling for Cleaner Lakes; Projects & Progress in the Watershed

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Frozen Assets parachuter 2022

Thank you for supporting our lakes at the Frozen Assets Festival

We had so much fun at the Frozen Assets Festival and hope you did too! Whether you participated in person or virtually, we THANK YOU for supporting lakes Mendota, Monona, Wingra, Waubesa, and Kegonsa!

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Image 3 - Offshore monitor training

LakeForecast water quality monitoring in 2023

Clean Lakes Alliance’s LakeForecast water quality monitoring program completed its 11th season in 2023. This program is entirely volunteer implemented, with 90 trained monitors assessing water quality conditions from nearshore and offshore locations across all five Yahara lakes (Mendota, Monona, Wingra, Waubesa, and Kegonsa). From Memorial Day through Labor Day, volunteers recorded water clarity, air and water temperature, waterfowl presence, extent of floating plant debris, and the severity of green algae and cyanobacteria at public beaches, lakeside parks, and private piers. Submitted data can be seen in real-time on lakeforecast.org or our free app allowing the general public to stay up to date on current lake conditions.

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Fishing along Monona Bay

Out-of-town anglers drawn to downtown Madison lakes

Spend time walking along Lake Monona between Law Park and Brittingham Park, and you’ll notice anglers tossing lines from plenty of places. Unfortunately, there is a lack of accessible shoreline fishing locations. Folks fishing have to contend with hazards like the wall at the Monona Terrace or the railroad tracks…which are actually illegal to use for fishing. Still, the challenges of fishing on Lake Monona do not seem to stop diehard anglers from spending time doing what they love.

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UW Lifesaving Station rescue boat

An interview with University of Wisconsin Lifesaving Station staff
Article first published in the 2023 Greater Madison Lake Guide, a Clean Lakes Alliance publication

Situated on the southern shore of Lake Mendota is a very unassuming building. You may not recognize the building, but you’ve probably seen one of the boats housed here out on the lake. It’s the University of Wisconsin Lifesaving Station and its job is to help keep everyone safe on Greater Madison’s largest lake.

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City View

Clean Lakes Alliance is excited to announce our “Lake Champion” ambassador program! Lake Champions will play a meaningful role in helping Clean Lakes Alliance grow our network of supporters, engage our existing supporters, and enhance our profile in the community.

We are looking for individuals who love our lakes and would like to assist our team in the following ways:

  • Champion our lakes and Clean Lake Alliance in your community, place of business, and personal network
  • Welcome new Friends and Lake Partners to Clean Lakes Alliance
  • Attend and support our staff at events like Clean Lakes 101 and the Community Breakfast
  • Share our updates, events, and progress on social media channels in your personal network
  • Recruit others to join our cause!

If you think our efforts as a Lake Champion sound like a winning move for you, please fill out the following form:

Lake Champion Interest Form

"*" indicates required fields

Are you a Friend of Clean Lakes?
Is your business/employer/organization a Lake Partner?

Little Houses

Local Madison area photographers share their view of our lakes

The Greater Madison area often tops lists of best places to live. One of the reasons frequently cited, is our lakes. We talked to five photographers in the Madison area and found out what they love most about photographing the Yahara lakes. Read more from the photographers, and see a sampling of their work – as they feature different views of our watershed.

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UW-Madison’s love of the lakes

A letter from University of Wisconsin-Madison about the Yahara CLEAN Compact

Like everything else this year, visiting the Memorial Union Terrace feels a little different. Yet as we sit apart, looking over Lake Mendota, it serves as a reminder that the physical distance between us is a sign of strength. We are reminded of what we can accomplish when we have the resolve to tackle a challenge, and Clean Lakes Alliance is evidence of that.

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